Zhang Xiaolin, Han Peng, Xu Li, et al. Research on bearing fault diagnosis of wind turbine gearbox based on 1DCNN-PSO-SVM[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 192248-192258. (期刊论文) (SCI二区, WOS:000587825500001, EI:20204709501014)
Zhang Xiaolin, Li Jian, Liu Jiao, et al. Social Network Sensitive Area Perturbance Method Based on Firefly Algorithm[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 137759-137769. (期刊论文) (SCI二区, WOS:000498712700001, EI:20200408089640)
Zhang Xiaolin, Liu Jiao, Li Jian, et al. Large-scale dynamic social network directed graph k-in&out-degree anonymity algorithm for protecting community structure[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 108371-108383. (SCI二区, WOS:000481980800050, EI:20193507359311)
Xu EnHui, Zhang Xiaolin, Wang YongPing, Zhang Shuai, Lu Lixin; Xu Li. WordRevert: Adversarial Examples Defence Method for Chinese Text Classification[J]. IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 28832-28841. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3157521.)
Zhang Xiaolin, Yang Tao, Cui NingNing. Flame image segmentation based on the bee colony algorithm with characteristics of levy flights[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015: 1-8. (SCI四区, WOS:000364738900001, EI:20154701591529)
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Li Na, Zhang XiaoLin, Wang YongPing, et al. Research on Dynamic Social Network Anonymity Technology for Protecting Community Structure[J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2021, 23(4): 576-587. (EI收录, EI:20212810610391)
Zhang XiaoLin, Liu Jiao, Bi HongJing, et al. Personalized K-In&Out-Degree Anonymity Method for Large-scale Social Networks Based on Hierarchical Community Structure[J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2021, 23(2): 314-325. (期刊论文) (EI收录, EI:20211110087707)
Zhang XiaoLin, Zhang WenChao, Zhang Chen, et al. D-GSPerturb: A distributed social privacy protection algorithm based on graph structure perturbation[J]. Journal of Computers, 2017, 28(5): 51-61. (EI收录, EI:20175004517181)
Zhang XiaoLin, Zhang Chong, Yang Tao. Flame image segmentation using the dynamic adaptation cuckoo search algorithm based on the 2D maximum between-cluster variance[J]. ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of research and surveys, 2016, 7(10): 2253-2259. (EI收录, EI:20164102884995)
Zhang Xiaolin, Guo YanLei, Wang JingYu, et al. A personalized social network privacy protection method based on the Pregel-like system[J]. ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of research and surveys, 2016, 7(4): 839-845. (EI收录, EI:20164302950508)
Zhang Xiaolin, Hao Kun, Liu LiXin, et al. An Efficient SLCA-Based Keyword Search Algorithm on Uncertain XML[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11: 7721-7729. (EI收录, EI: 20155101706637)
Zhang XiaoLin, Li Jian, He XiaoYu, et al. Distributed Graph Perturbation Algorithm on Social Networks with Reachability Preservation[C]. CCF Conference on Big Data. Springer, Singapore, 2019, 1120 CCIS: 194-208. (会议论文) (EI收录, EI:20195207929384)
Zhang XiaoLin, Yuan HaoChen, Li ZhuoLin, et al. Distributed Subgraph Matching Privacy Preserving Method for Dynamic Social Network[C]. CCF Conference on Big Data. Springer, Singapore, 2019, 1120 CCIS: 159-173. (会议论文) (EI收录, EI:20195207929382)
Hao Kun, Zhang Xiaolin,LIU Lixin, Zhang Huanxiang. An Efficient Algorithm for XML Keyword Search Based on Interval Encoding[C]. 2016 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (WISA). IEEE, 2016: 45-50. (会议论文) (EI收录, EI: 20173304046048)
Liu Lixin, Zhang Xiaolin, zhang Huanxiang. Mining of Probabilistic Frequent Itemsets over Uncertain Data Streams[C]. 2014 11th Web Information System and Application Conference. IEEE, 2014: 231-237. (会议论文) (EI收录, EI: 20151500731088)
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Ren Guoyin(任国印), Lu Xiaoqi, Li Yuhao. Joint Face Retrieval System Based On a New Quadruplet Network in Videos of Multi-Camera[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9(1): 56709-56725 (期刊论文) (SCI二区,WOS: 000641937300001,EI: 20211610226021)
Ren Guoyin(任国印), Lu Xiaoqi, Li Yuhao. A Cross-Camera Multi-Face Tracking System Based on Double Triplet Networks[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 43759-43774 (期刊论文) (SCI二区,WOS: 000633372400001,EI: 20210910011193)
Lingfang Li(李灵芳), Xu Wang, Weijian Hu*(胡伟健), Naixue Xiong, Yongxing Du*, Baoshan Li. Deep Learning in Skin Disease Image Recognition: A Review[J]. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 208264-208280, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3037258 (期刊论文) (SCI二区,WOS: 000596354000001, EI: 20205109648636)
Weijian Hu(胡伟健), Jie Fan, Yongxing Du*, Baoshan Li*, Naixue Xiong, Ernst Bekkering. MDFC-ResNet: An Agricultural IoT System to Accurately Recognize Crop Diseases[J]. IEEE Access,vol.8,pp.115287-115298,2020,doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3001237 (期刊论文) (SCI二区,WOS:000547502900001, EI: 20202908939632)
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Zhao Guangquan, Liu Xiaoyong, Zhang Bin, Liu Yuefeng(刘月峰), Niu Guangxing, Hu Cong. A novel approach for analog circuit fault diagnosis based on Deep Belief Network[J]. measurement.2018.02.044 (期刊论文) (SCI二区, WOS: 000428720700020, EI: 20181004881295)
Xin Liu(刘新), Ruiling Zhang, Gang Xu, Xiu-Bo Chen, Neal N. Xiong. Confidentially judging the relationship between an integer and an interval against malicious adversaries and its applications[J]. Computer Communications, 180, 2021: 115–125. (期刊论文) (SCI三区, WOS: 000704054300010, EI: 20213910952688)
Xin Liu, Shundong Li, Jian Liu, Xiubo Chen, Gang Xu. Secure multiparty computation of a comparison problem[J]. SpringerPlus, 2016, 5(1): 1489. (SCI 四区, 检索WOS号:000391178000001 IF:1.056)
Xin Liu, Shundong Li, XiuBo Chen, Gang Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Yong Zhou. Efficient Solutions to Two-party and Multiparty Millionaires’ Problem [J]. Security and communication networks. vol. 2017, 11 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/5207386. (SCI四区,WOS:000403019400001 IF:0.864)
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Zhao Yu-hong(赵宇红), Ma zhong-gui,Zheng Xue-feng, Tu Xu-yan. An Improved Algorithm of Nonlinear RED Based on Membership Cloud Theory[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS (电子学报), 2017 , 26 (3) :537-543. (期刊论文) (SCI四区, WOS: 000401309800013, EI: 20203209031388)
Zhang JiKai(张继凯), Zhao Jun, Li Qi, Lv XiaoQi, Nie Jun-Lan. 3D Gesture Estimation from RGB Images Based on DB-InterNet[J]. Journal of Computers (Taiwan), 2021, 32(5): 1-14(期刊论文) (EI收录, EI: 20220211449752)
Liu Yuefeng(刘月峰), Zhang Gong, Li Jiaqi. Temporal convolutional networks applied to remaining useful life prediction of turbofan engine[J]. Journal of Computers (Taiwan), vol. 32, n. 3, pp. 69-85, June 2021. (期刊论文) (EI收录, EI:20213610872992)
Zhao Yu-hong(赵宇红), Zheng Xue-feng, Tu Xu-yan, Research on the improved way of RED algorithm S-RED[J]. International Journal of U- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 2016, 19(2): 375-384. (期刊论文) (EI收录, EI: 20161002053108)
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Lingfang Li(李灵芳), Xueying Qi, Xu Wang, Weijian Hu*(胡伟健),et al. WAMF: A Weighted Adaptive Multi-convolution Fusion Scheme for Dermoscopic Image Recognition[C]. International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing. (期刊论文) (EI收录)
Liu Yuefeng(刘月峰), J Li and NN Xiong. A Novel Estimation Method for the State of Charge of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Temporal Convolutional Network under Multiple Working Conditions[C], presented at the 5th Int'l Conf. on Smart Computing and Communi., Paris, France, Dec. 29-31, 2020. (会议论文)(EI收录, EI:20212010372855)
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Liu Yuefeng(刘月峰), Zhang Gong, Zhang Chenrong, et al. Research Progress on Data Driven-based RUL Prediction Methods of Mechanical Equipment[C]. 10th Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-Qingdao 2019, October 25, 2019 - October 27, 2019, 2019: et al.; Key Laboratory of Aviation Technology for Fault Diagnosis and Health Management Research, AVIC SAMRI; Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, CAS; Qinda Technology Co., Ltd; Qingdao West Coast New Area Association for Science and Technology; Reliability Division of Operations and Research Society of China. (会议论文)(EI收录, EI:20200408061255)
Ruichun Gu(顾瑞春), Junxing Zhang. GANSlicing: A GAN-Based Software Defined Mobile Network Slici ng Scheme for IoT Applications[C]. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, 2019-5-20 (会议论文)(EI收录, EI: 20193207290299)
Ruichun Gu(顾瑞春), Xiaolong Zhang, Lei Yu, Junxing Zhang. Enhancing Security and Scalability in Software Defined LTE Core Networks[C]. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security An d Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), New York, NY, USA, 2018-8-1至2018-8-3(会议论文) (EI收录, EI: 20184005895704)
Ruichun Gu(顾瑞春), Hongyu Zhang, Dong Pei, Junxing Zhang. A Scalable and Virtualized Testbed for IoT Experiments [C]. Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, Dalian, China, 2017-9-28至2017-9-30 (会议论文) (EI收录, EI: 20183205665640)
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Yuefeng Liu(刘月峰), Guangquan Zhao, Xiyuan Peng, Cong Hu. Lithium-ion Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction with Long Short-term Memory Recurrent Neural Network[C]. Annual conference of the prognostics and health management society 2017,PHM2017 society. (会议论文)(EI收录, EI: 20193607403249)
Yuefeng Liu(刘月峰), Guangquan Zhao, Xiyuan Peng. A Fusion Prognostic Approach Based on Multi-kernel Relevance Vector Machine and Bayesian Model Averaging [C]. 2016 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-2016 Chengdu) , Chengdu, China, October 19-21, 2016 (会议论文)(EI收录, EI: 20171203474619)
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Lixin Liu(刘立新), Xiaolin Zhang, Huangxiang Zhang. Mining of Probabilistic Frequent Itemsets over Uncertain Data Streams[C]. 1 1th Web Information System and Application Conference, WISA 2014, 天津南开大学, 2014-9-12至2014-9 -14 (会议论文) (EI收录, EI: 20151500731088)
Liu Yuefeng(刘月峰), Zhao Guangquan, Peng Xiyuan. Design and implementation of simulator for AOS high-speed payload multiplexer[C]. 2013 IEEE 11th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments, ICEMI 2013, August 16, 2013 - August 18, 2013, 2013, Harbin, China: IEEE Computer Society[C].VOL.1,p285-290,2013. (会议论文)(EI收录, EI: 20141217471642)
Yanhua Chu(褚燕华), Jinlin Yu. Aspect-Oriented Programming and Modeling Based on UML. Information Technology Applications in Industry [C]. Computer Engineering and Materials Science, 2013.7.(会议论文) (EI收录,EI: 20134416937276)
Yanhua Chu(褚燕华), Jinlin Yu. The Research of Database Query Optimization Based on XML. Electrical Insulating Materials and Electrical Engineering[C]. Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2012, 546: 519-525. (会议论文) (EI收录, EI: 20124815716268)
Yuefeng Liu(刘月峰),Jie Jiang. 2010-12.Application of Wireless Sensor Network for monitoring water temperature difference in blast furnace cooling system[A].Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering[C].VOL.2,p409-414,2011. (会议论文)(EI收录, EI: 20112114003098)